Monday, February 2, 2015

2nd Lecture of the Series: Who am I? Desolation of the Constructed Self - Syed Uzair Abdullah

Institute of Traditional Studies & Arts
invites you to a series of lectures on 'Who am I?' 
in light of Traditional Wisdom

Second Lecture of the Series:
Desolation of the Constructed Self

Syed Uzair Abdullah 

Thursday, 5 February 2015
5:30 pm

First Lecture of the Series:
Discovering 'I', Knowing 'Me'
was held Sunday 18 Jan

Queries: 0300 847 1855

With a post-graduate degree from Punjab University, Sahibzada Syed Uzair Abdullah belongs to a family connected to the Qadiriyya Sufi Order, known for its scholarly and mystical traditions. 

Syed Uzair has a special interest in and study of Sufi Metaphysics, Kalam, Quranic Exegesis, the Science of Hadith, Arabic Language & Poetry.

1 comment:

  1. May I ask - why the image of Anjem Choudhry; a little puzzled...?
